Triple rooms, the solution for the exceeded dormitory

Comparison between double room and triple room in dorm A

Starting in this fall semester, triple rooms will be operated in the university dormitory. This is the solution from GIST after the dormitory capacity exceeded in February. At the time, 888 students requested the university dormitory. However, the capacity was 864 people, which led to 24 students moving to the graduate student dormitory.


Triple rooms in dormitory A, a 34% cheaper fee

From this fall semester, 14 rooms in Dormitory G and 14 rooms in Dormitory I (total 28) will be operated as triple rooms. Since 2017, the school converted 28 rooms in the dormitory building A to be used as triple rooms in case of a shortage of rooms. After renovating the triple rooms this year, the triple rooms are now available to use. Triple rooms will not be operated in the dormitory building B because of the lack of space for renovation.  Among the 28 triple rooms, eight are for men, and 20 are for women. Currently, there are no plans to add new triple rooms.

Compared to double rooms, triple rooms have lower fees. As of 2024, the dormitory fee for a triple room is 70,000 won per month. This is approximately 34% cheaper than the dormitory fee for a double room, which is 106,100 won monthly. The area of a triple room and double room also differs. On average, a triple room is 8.3 m^2, including an indoor balcony, larger than a double room in the dormitory building A, which is 6.8 m^2. Soo-jung Park at the Section of Student Services said, “The triple room is convenient because it has an indoor balcony.” In addition, wireless vacuum cleaners are provided free of charge to residents of triple rooms.

Comparison between double room and triple room in dorm A

The change to triple rooms, opinions of actual users

Ahn Dong-yeon (Liberal arts and sciences, 24), a student using a triple room this fall semester, said he decided to use a triple room after examining various benefits given to users of the triple room. “When I entered the triple room at first, it felt a bit small for three people to live in, but there were no serious inconveniences,” said Ahn Dong-yeon. “However, with the bunk bed, there is no storage space under the bed, and this is inconvenient.” A triple room is about 1.5 m^2 compared to a double room based on the A-dong. However, the decrease in the area per person makes it feel small to use, according to the student. Not all triple rooms are the same size, and some differences exist, which can result in differences depending on the person.


 The use of triple rooms sorts out the exceeded dormitory problem

This fall semester 2024, 9 male students (total three rooms) applied for the triple room, and no female students applied.

Staff Park said that the increase in university students is a temporary phenomenon and that the overcrowded dormitory problem has been resolved for now by measures such as using triple rooms and graduate school dormitories.


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